Since there is no God’s eye view to be claimed by any society of people, the idea of the ethical space, produced by contrasting perspectives of the world, entertains the notion of a meeting place, or initial thinking about a neutral zone between entities or cultures. The space offers a venue to step out of our allegiances, to detach from the cages of our mental worlds and assume a position where human-to-human dialogue can occur. The ethical space offers itself as the theatre for cross-cultural conversation in pursuit of ethically engaging diversity and disperses claims to the human order.
Willie Ermine
I have been captivated by Ermine’s philosophy of ethical space since I first read it over a decade ago. Ethics is a huge part of the Canadian law, professional ethics. It is an even larger part of the Indigenous law, personal ethics. Ethics that go home with you from work and off to the park and out to dinner and over to the neighbours. What we create in our lives must be built on whatever our personal foundations permit, or not. What, at the root, does your being demand of you? For any life project, ask yourself what can I live with and sleep at night with and why?
As we pivot out of the domain of corporate identity, corporate culture and practices into co-creative connective spaces and relations we want to know who we are doing business with. We are curious about what each of us takes from that interaction, that relationship. This kind of reflection can only be done after trust is built and tested and is found to be reliable within a given relationship.
Our work is to find the trust bank and see who puts deposits into that account and who withdraws from it. On each project we engage in we are committed to designing your answer, your mode of life and work that brings you home to the ethics you live each day.
What is your ethnic, religious and corporate culture and where can we help you reach out to grow? How can we create with you an ethical space within and throughout your work, community and home?